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Solar Batteries - Offering Free Electricity and Free Energy


Solar batteries are an integral part of the modern solar panel system. Without them, you would not be able to power your home or the things in it! Solar batteries come in a variety of types, shapes and sizes, and it is important to know which one is right for you. Check out to get started.

Most solar batteries on sale today will typically last between fifteen to twenty-five years. This, however, is an important range and you will likely have to replace them over the 25 to 30 year lifespan of your solar array. The main factor in determining the longevity of these batteries is the charge/discharge cycle that the manufacturer used. The higher the charge rate (the higher the percentage of actual usable power that the battery can produce) and the lower the discharge rate (the lower the percentage of available electricity), the longer your battery will last.

There are two types of solar batteries, Class A and Class B. Class A batteries are best suited for off-grid applications where you are attempting to capture and store excess energy for use later. While they do have higher initial costs, they tend to last longer due to their ability to store large amounts of energy. Many Class batteries are capable of storing enough energy to completely eliminate your electric bill. The downside, however, is that you will have significantly less battery life than you would from a Class B battery. Visit this page for more info.

Class B batteries, on the other hand, are designed for deep cycle deep cycling. These types of batteries are typically smaller, cheaper and less energy producing than Class A batteries. Unfortunately, they also tend to have less usable battery lifespan than the Class A battery. Although they may have fewer initial costs and longer usage life than the Class A battery, they will have larger maintenance costs and they are not as adaptable for changing energy requirements.

Off-grid solar panels have another option: net metering. Net metering allows the investor to sell their surplus electricity back to the electrical company and receive cash back for the electricity they sold. This cash can then be used to pay back the loan interest that was paid to purchase the solar panels. By using net metering, the investor will be able to offset some, if not all, of their initial outlay. However, they will not receive the cash value of their electricity sold back to the utility company.

Solar batteries can be purchased from most major electric retailers. You can even find battery packs to power small electrical appliances. Battery packs and cell phone batteries are often compatible with each other. Your local electrician can advise you on the best battery packs and cell phone batteries for your particular application. Solar batteries can dramatically reduce your cost of living by allowing you to capture free electricity and use it to power small appliances and electronic devices.

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